
Rising above the limestone pavements of the Burren in County Clare, Poulnabrone Dolmen is a portal tomb dating back between 4200 B.C. and 2900 B.C.

In the mist of pre-history, the bard Amergin is said to have stepped upon Ireland's shore, claiming the powers of that land and nature itself in verse. Called Ireland's first poet, his incantations are said to be the first verses made in Ireland.  As chief bard of the invading Milesians, he was a Druid poet of shamanic ability and talent. His name is said to mean "the birth of song".

Inspired by Prof. MacNeill's translation, this issue invokes the (very ancient) land of Ireland -

For Ireland - March 17, 2013

Poulnabrone rises,
the ancestors sing
of old land, new land, Ireland
lofty, darkly sung.