
Dear Friends,

I started A VISION AND A VERSE in May, 2012; it felt like a big step creatively - a stepping off point. The first issue launched on the Full Wesak Moon that month.

On the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11 landing on the moon, I wanted to share that inaugural issue with you. It's especially appropriate as this is also the 50th issue of A VISION AND A VERSE.

For me, the moon is and always will be full of mystery and magic; as is "the magical and intoxicating power of America".

The moon landing achieved what human-kind had considered impossible. Humanity around the globe celebrated with us. Let this remind us of what America can achieve when we have a shared vision and a higher purpose.


July 20 - Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing



Full Wesak Moon, calm
Buddha flower, gracious face

chased by fickle clouds.